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How to Make a Minecraft Mansion Tutorial TUTORIAL

How to Make a Minecraft Mansion Tutorial

Woodland Mansion Ingame.png
An boilerplate iii-story woodland mansion.

Woodland mansions are massive structures found in Dark Forests. They are highly anticipated to explore because they are one of the only reliable ways to find the totem of undying, and contain valuable boodle in large quantities.


  • ane Exploration checklist
    • 1.1 Optional equipment
  • 2 Preparing equipment
    • 2.1 Sword / Axe
    • 2.ii Bow / Crossbow
    • two.3 Armor
    • 2.four Nutrient
    • 2.v Expendable blocks
    • 2.6 Torches
    • ii.7 Water saucepan
    • 2.8 Shield
    • 2.9 Explorer map
    • 2.10 Elytra
    • ii.eleven Healing items
    • ii.12 Helpful potions
    • 2.13 Ender breast / shulker boxes
    • 2.14 Ender pearls
    • 2.15 Name tags
    • two.sixteen Iron golems
    • 2.17 Blue sheep
  • three Getting there
    • 3.one Obtaining the map
    • 3.2 Finding new places
    • 3.3 Temporary camp
  • 4 Navigating the mansion
  • 5 Killing the mobs
    • 5.1 Vindicator
    • 5.two Evoker
    • 5.3 Vex
  • 6 Full general Strategy
  • 7 Alternative strategies for defeat
    • 7.1 Melee Warfare
    • vii.2 Water Defense
    • vii.iii Arrows from Above
    • 7.four Infiltration
    • 7.5 Raid Squad
    • 7.6 Wolf Ground forces
    • seven.7 Hither's Johnny!
    • 7.8 Mass devastation
  • 8 Dangerous rooms
  • 9 Loot
  • 10 Post-Exploration
    • 10.1 Turn it into a habitation (or your new base)
    • ten.ii Expanding information technology
    • ten.3 Turning it into a village
    • 10.iv Brand a villager breeder or any type of mob farm inside
    • x.five Burning it downward
    • 10.6 Build a customs building

Exploring a mansion requires a lot of grooming, but non anybody has the same skills. And so depending on how skilled you are, dissimilar preparations may be needed. The following is a suggested collection of equipment you might need:

  • An iron sword at minimum. Enchantments such as Sharpness and Fire Aspect will give you lot an easier fourth dimension fighting the illagers, while Knockback helps keep a safe distance from vindicators.
  • A bow for ranged gainsay against evokers. Enchantments such as Power and Flame enable quicker kills, while Dial knocks the illagers back a safety distance.
    • Crossbows are an alternative to bows, the selection depends on the your preference, but you tin can bring both if you want.
  • Ane arrow with a bow or crossbow enchanted with Infinity, or a stack of 64 at minimum.
  • A full gear up of high-durability iron armor at minimum. Protection allows y'all to accept less impairment from evocation fangs, even though evocation fangs bypass armor, and guarantee college survivability against a vindicator'due south ambushes.
  • An iron axe or multiple gold axes for breaking through walls and revealing secret rooms.
  • Highly nutritious food, such as bread, baked potatoes or cooked meat, to assist restore hunger and regenerate health.
  • A shield for protection against vexes, as well as vindicators equally they cannot disable shields for 5 seconds. ‌[ Bedrock Edition merely ].
  • A stack of 64 asphalt, dirt or any other expendable cake for quick towering, hiding, trapping mobs, etc.
  • A bed to set your respawn point outside the mansion in instance you die (unless you lot have cheats on).
  • Several stacks of torches to light up the mansion and prevent mutual hostile mobs from spawning.
  • A woodland explorer map to track down the mansion.

Optional equipment

  • A pair of elytra (with firework rockets) to get to the mansion as fast as possible.
  • An extra sword enchanted with Smite or Bane of Arthropods allows you lot to kill any common hostile mobs that spawned in the mansion quicker.
  • A trident enchanted with Riptide makes travel even faster during storms.
  • An anvil to repair your tools (required if doing the "Here's Johnny!" tactic).
  • A few golden apples for quick healing cover.
  • Can be substituted for enchanted apples.
  • Healing or regeneration potions for faster health recovery.
  • A few strength potions for the upper mitt in gainsay.
  • A few shulker boxes and an ender chest for easier transportation of items.
  • A few ender pearls for quick escape, if necessary.
  • A few stacks of harming arrows or poisoned arrows for easier elimination of enemies.
  • A few invisibility potions for unnoticed infiltration.
  • A flint and steel, preferably enchanted with Unbreaking, if you want to burn downwards the mansion. The unbreaking enchantment increases the immovability of your flint and steel since the mansion is huge.
  • A bell can be rung to outline the evokers and vindicators nearby, giving them the Glowing event that makes them visible through walls.‌[ Java Edition only ]
  • A few blocks of iron and a few carved pumpkin to spawn Iron Golem s which tin can be a distraction to the vindicators and evokers and assist you in boxing. The iron golems won't attack yous if you accidently hit it.
  • A few name tags to name a vindicator "Johnny" and then other mobs in the mansion can distract it.
  • A sheep and a few Blue Dye s to dye the sheep blue and using it to distract the evokers.

It is of import you catch the necessary equipment to distract and kill the illagers in the mansion, don't bring items you don't need such as all your diamonds or yous might lose them forever.

Sword / Axe

Your sword or axe is your primary melee weapon for eliminating vindicators or cornering evokers. Although the immovability of axes decreases more than chop-chop when used every bit a weapon, critical hits deal extremely heavy, if non fatal, blows to your target, and they can likewise be used to punch through walls for uncovering cloak-and-dagger rooms.

Bow / Crossbow

Your bow, a secondary weapon, should be used for taking out enemies from a altitude if there are many gathered together. When in melee combat, information technology is always safer to autumn back to ranged combat if you're swarmed by illagers. If you accept a crossbow with you lot, however, make sure that an arrow has already been loaded for a faster first shot.


Armor is a must-accept when exploring a mansion, because vindicators have 1 of the strongest straight attacks of any hostile mob, and vexes also have substantial melee impairment. Fe armor should exist worn at minimum, and Protection helps to reduce damage from evocation fangs that would otherwise completely featherbed armor and shields.


Nutritious food, such as steak, cooked porkchops, and bread are absolutely necessary for healing after a fight. The food tin can also heal your hunger bar so you lot tin can sprint.

Expendable blocks

Cobblestone and dirt are the go-to expendable block for edifice a protective comprehend to heal, towering or bridging your style across. Although clay is much easier to assemble, go on in listen that it's not as tough and tin can be destroyed by a creeper explosion. However, if evocation fangs are coming your fashion, use dirt instead of cobblestone to build a bulwark such that yous tin can chop-chop mine and escape if the fangs pass through.


A few stacks of torches provide better visibility in night corners, and forbid common mobs such as zombies, skeletons etc. from spawning.

H2o bucket

Used to break your fall. Necessary for all missions, no thing the difficulty.


A shield (or two for backup) is recommended for a mansion venture considering it can be used to block melee attacks. Just be more than careful when using a shield confronting vindicators, every bit their axe attacks can disable itJava Edition just.

Explorer map

The main way to locate a woodland mansion without cheats. Woodland explorer maps can be obtained from cartographer villagers.


As mansions are typically thousands of blocks abroad, a pair of elytra combined with firework rockets volition suffice for a speedier and more efficient journey to the mansion. Just make sure y'all've packed enough phantom membranes for repair, or enchanted the elytra with Unbreaking (and perchance Mending) for it to terminal longer.

Healing items

Powerful illager attacks can bring you to a vulnerable state at times, so golden apples, healing potions and regeneration potions will come in handy for a swift healing cover. Enchanted apples tin can heal you lot more than than regular ones, but since they are extremely rare, utilise them sparingly if y'all get your hands on some.

If you do obtain a Totem of Undying past killing an evoker, do place it in your left mitt slot as soon as possible, as shields aren't as useful in woodland mansions due to the illagers' shield-piercing or shield-disabling attacks.

Helpful potions

Potions enhance your performance, which can be highly benign although not necessary. Force potions can give you the border in combat, while invisibility potions tin let y'all to sneak into loot rooms given that you lot're unarmored.

Ender chest / shulker boxes

These make transportation of boodle much easier, as mansions are sometimes very far, even thousands or millions of blocks from the spawn point. You can even pack fill-in gear in the ender chest, which you tin place at the mansion'due south entrance forth with a bed, such that if you die, you lot'll exist able to respawn at your ender chest and speedily prepare yourself for a counterattack. Bring at least 6 shulker boxes and put them in your ender chest. Bring a silk affect pickaxe to pick up the ender chest. There is a lot of boodle and about of the furniture can be dismantled for additional blocks. Yous will desire a style to shop them, and you don't want to clutter your inventory. Diamond hoes, chestplates, and totems of undying are not-stackable and can take upwardly a lot of infinite in your inventory.

Ender pearls

Ender pearls can exist used for quick travel beyond mansion floors, or escaping from a crowd of illagers. On the journey, if your elytra breaks while you are flying, throw an ender pearl to the ground to pause your fall.

Name tags

Using the "Here's Johnny!" tactic, you lot tin easily distract the vindicators and kill them easier. To exercise this you need an anvil or if y'all already have an anvil back at your base, proper name the name tags "Johnny" before you lot go to the mansion. Yous also need a few name tags named "Johnny" to name the vindicators.

Once yous got the proper name tags, you can try to find a vindicator with hostile mobs or you tin can lure zombies to the vindicator. Once that is complete, exist fast! Name the vindicator "Johnny" with one of your name tags it'll attack the zombie. The signal of this is not to brand the vindicator do your dirty piece of work, merely to distract it on another mob and so you can kill it without it coming towards you.

Iron golems

You can bring a atomic number 26 golem from a village or make your own, but it is suggested that y'all make the iron golem yourself since if you accidently hit it it won't retaliate like the naturally spawned golem, it is also hard to motion the atomic number 26 golem across rivers and copse if you decide to steal 1 from a hamlet, and it might die fighting hostile mobs before information technology got to the mansion.

Iron golems tin can assistance you in battle confronting the illagers or distract the illagers, and if the iron golem survives the battle, it can be your bodyguard. It is also advised the you make the iron golem earlier you lot enter the battle since vindicators can knock you while you're placing the blocks and make you misplace the cake.

Use leads to move the fe golem around or lure a vindicator or an evoker into the iron golem's sight (make the vindicator or evoker follow you to the iron golem, evokers might be hard since they similar to stand in the same identify, best mode is to stand at the edge of the evoker's line of sight and when information technology summons something it might move closer to you and follows you) and the iron golem volition set on it, then y'all tin lure more than vindicators and evokers into the iron golem'southward range. Keep on repeating this process until you tin can't find any more illagers in the mansion. Afterwards that, you tin boodle the mansion, plough it into your base, or burn it down.

Blue sheep

Bringing a sheep from a nearby village or finding one around the mansion can be good for distracting evokers. Bring some blue dyes so you can dye the sheep blue. Bring the sheep in the mansion when you encounter an evoker. Dyeing the sheep blueish can provide a distraction to the evoker and gives it a cooldown time before it could summon anything else.

To move the sheep effectually, either hold wheat to make information technology follow you or use a lead if you have 1. When you come across an evoker you can bring the blue sheep and your blue dyes to the evoker. Make certain you lot dye your sheep blue earlier you arroyo the evoker, as information technology sees a normal sheep information technology might do a fang attack instead, hurting both you and your sheep. If the evoker sees the blue sheep information technology will dye it reddish, giving you time to dye the sheep blue once more and striking the evoker a couple times while it is yet on its cooldown.

Do this to every evoker until all the evokers in the mansion is dead, then you tin take any vindicators y'all see in the mansion. Don't worry too much about vindicators killing your sheep, since they volition assail you instead of the sheep. Make sure yous know where your sheep is before you lot die in case if y'all die it wanders out of the mansion or it gets lost in a corridor.

One style to get to a woodland mansion quickly is to choose a globe seed that spawns a woodland mansion almost to the histrion's spawn betoken. These seeds are easily plant, for instance -3181315751910040338 in Java Edition and the "Spooky Mansion" seed from the Bedrock Edition seed picker. If y'all do cull to play such a earth, you notwithstanding demand to spend a great corporeality of time away from the mansion building up your resource in preparation to attack it.

Otherwise, in the majority of worlds, a mansion is typically thousands of blocks from the spawn point, requiring a long journeying. Use the following advice to embark on that journey.

Obtaining the map

Woodland explorer map trading.png
The woodland explorer map trade, which requires emeralds and a compass.

Players begin their mansion journey with a woodland explorer map, which tin exist obtained by trading with a journeyman cartographer for around 14 emeralds and a compass In Java Edition. If you lot are playing on hard style, you can convert villagers to zombie villagers and convert back using a golden apple and splash potion of weakness It makes the price discount. This is totally optinal, the cartographer always sells the map, merely in Bedrock Edition, they have a 13 chance to sell information technology. As well a map's regular features, the explorer map has a house-shaped icon that indicates where the mansion is.

Finding new places

Since the journeying to the mansion is extremely long, chances are you'll notice new places along the manner, some of which incorporate extra boodle. Practice explore them before standing on your journey every bit you might be able to stock up on supplies for your upcoming raid. Blacksmiths in villages and temples are among the more useful structures you'll discover. You can also find many other biomes and rare structures. If you find a body of water monument, go along the coordinates of information technology because sea monuments require different equipment.

Temporary camp

Before you lot enter the mansion, you should ready a small base at its cobblestone entrance, where it is pre-lit by torches. Build a fence around the entrance to prevent hostile mobs from trespassing. Bring a bed and then you tin can sleep at dark and set your spawn point hither temporary unless you desire to use the mansion equally your base of operations. Brand a smoker to prepare extra nutrient and position your ender breast abreast your bed. Don't forget to bring along your shulker box if you have one, as you can store more items with it! Surroundings your camp with a roof to prevent hostile mobs from attacking yous while you're sleeping.


Vindicator s have 24 Heart (icon).png × 12 HP, which means they're not the beefiest mobs out at that place. However, their punishing axe blows deal a maximum of xix Heart (icon).png × 9.5 damage on Hard difficulty, and are especially dangerous if their axes are enchanted.

  • In Java Edition shields are redundant, so quickly attack them until they die.
  • Against a grouping, either strike before retreating, or build a three-block tall pillar to hit your assailants from above.
  • They drop 0-ii emeralds upon death and take a chance of dropping their iron axe as well.
  • Try non to run into a group of vindicators because if each of them assault y'all it'southward piece of cake to lose a lot of health.
  • If in that location are any hostile mobs such equally zombies around yous or the vindicator, quickly lure the zombies to the vindicator and proper noun the vindicator "Johnny" with your name tags and then you can attack the vindicator while it'south attacking the zombies. That manner you tin can hands dispatch the vindicator without it'south attention entirely on you. Skeletons aren't a proficient idea, unless y'all make them accidently shoot the vindicator instead, which require expert skills.
  • Using a bow to kill them is a adept idea, yous can as well locate a vindicator, stay away from information technology, and build a 3-cake alpine colonnade then y'all tin snipe the vindicator from the pinnacle of the pillar. If your bow is enchanted with Flame or Power, y'all tin can snipe it from far away and then it tin can kill the vindicator in 1 hit. If you miss, it doesn't affair. The vindicator doesn't care if a arrow sails over its head, so you can snipe it once again until it dies.
  • The all-time strategy is attacking and running backwards so yous tin can knock the vindicator away while running backwards, just be careful, vindicators tin can ambush you from behind if you don't pay attention to your surroundings.


Evoker due south have 24 Heart (icon).png × 12 HP like vindicators, but have a more anarchistic fighting mode. When within a 16-cake radius, they summon a row of evocation fangs that featherbed armor and shields, and when cornered, they summon a ring of said fangs instead. Evokers may also summon three vexes to join the fight, and flee at the histrion's sprinting speed when cornered.

  • Whenever possible, kill evokers upon sight as quickly as y'all can so that they won't take the chance to summon vexes or their fangs. This is especially important, since evokers cast their summoning spells upon beingness attacked inside most areas of a woodland mansion.
  • Shooting them with a ranged weapon is the safest way to defeat an evoker, but keep your altitude if the evoker senses that you're close, it has a chance to summon evoker fangs or vexes, which tin can be a nasty trouble for y'all. Try to become a Power 1-five bow or you tin can enchant your bow with flame so the evoker can die in 1 hit, but if you encounter the evoker preparing to summon fangs or vexes, impale it immediately.
  • Melee combat is besides possible; corner the evoker into a small infinite while dodging any fangs that come your mode, earlier hit repeatedly until it dies.
  • Upon death, evokers drop their Totem of Undying as well equally 0-1 emeralds, which can be skillful for afterward survival and trading.
  • Evokers can walk as fast equally the actor's sprinting speed, so exist sure to keep some nutrient in your hotbar when you see i or else it'll flee and you will lose track of it if your hunger bar gets likewise low and cannot sprint.
  • Bring a bluish sheep and a few blue dyes and then the evoker can focus on turning the blue sheep scarlet, giving you time to end the evoker. The evoker also have a cooldown before information technology can summon anything else.


Summoned past evokers, Vex es tin fly through walls and floors to attack their target by surprise. Despite their low health pool, they deal upward to 13 Heart (icon).png × half dozen.5 damage on Hard difficulty, meaning that they're non to be trifled with.

  • Time your hits well against vexes, and retreat if necessary to avoid getting struck.
  • Apply your shield to block any attacks since vexes are difficult to hitting with their small size and they retreat for a few seconds after attacking.
  • Against a swarm of vexes, just flee from the scene and ignore them; they driblet cypher when killed anyway and will despawn within ii minutes.

Almost people practice this strategy when raiding the woodland mansion. Bring all your things with you and don't forget your ender chest containing your shulker boxes. When y'all enter the mansion, start illuminating information technology. Impale any hostile mobs you see. When you are looting a room, kill all hostile mobs and light the room up. Take all the furniture and loot considering they volition be useful subsequently. This will as well remind y'all that you take raided this room.

You can also marking the entrance if you don't want the furniture. Dial holes in the walls to check for secret rooms. If you detect boodle and your inventory gets full, open your ender chest and have out a shulker box to store your boodle. Quickly put the shulker box in the ender chest and then you don't adventure losing information technology. Repeat for the other rooms. On the second floor and tertiary flooring, there are evokers, which summon vexes. Kill them kickoff by sniping or cornering them. If your sword has Knockback, it is unrecommended to set on an evoker with it because you will knock it away and it can dart every bit fast as the player. Once the evoker is dead, kill the vindicators and accept the loot and furniture.

Again, punch holes in the walls to check for secret rooms. Some rooms are more dangerous than others and the loot and piece of furniture are unlike, such as the briefing rooms, where five vindicators and one evoker generates within. If you take all the loot and piece of furniture, you volition gain a lot of useful resources. Aside from the woodland mansion breast boodle, you will get a lot of mob drops, carpets, stairs and slabs from furniture, bookshelves, flowerpots, flowers, banners, cauldrons, chests, diamond and lapis blocks, cobblestone, redstone, iron doors, dirt, wheat, seeds, melons, pumpkins, and dark oak saplings. Even those things aren't much value, they are worth taking because they tin salvage yous some resource. There are too many alternative strategies to boodle a woodland mansion, it is based on personal preference.

Melee Warfare

Required Items:

  • Fairly skillful fighting skills

Process: Using a sword or bow, attack the illagers head on. Have down the mansion room past room, and punch holes in the walls to expect for secret rooms.

Water Defense

Required Items:

  • Water bucket

Procedure: When a vindicator spots you, utilise the h2o bucket right underneath you to make a h2o puddle. Stand in the water and hit the vindicators with your sword, equally they will take a very difficult time getting to you, since they cannot go to you while the water is flowing towards them.

Arrows from Higher up

Required Items:

  • Bow or crossbow (preferably enchanted)
  • Arrows (several stacks / employ Infinity)
  • Water bucket
  • An axe

Procedure: Climb to the peak of the mansion where you lot'll gear up camp. From there, destroy the roof and whip out your ranged weapon of choice to shoot whatever illagers from in a higher place, room-past-room. After clearing a loot room containing illagers, utilise your h2o bucket to head downwards, extract the loot and head to the roof again for more shooting. This method is bang-up in the sense that all hush-hush rooms are guaranteed to be uncovered.


Required Items

  • Potion of Invisibility


A vindicator trapped with dirt blocks by the player under the furnishings of invisibility.
Enter the mansion invisible. Trap illagers y'all meet in blocks, making sure that you don't come too close as they might notice you.

Raid Team

Required Items

  • Other players with regular supplies

Procedure: There are many different means to raid a mansion in a group. It'southward easiest to go full-on "Melee Warfare" with a team, though more than organized players might assign roles for each teammate (due east.chiliad. melee fighter, sniper, potion lobber, etc.) before heading in.

Wolf Army

Required Items

  • A pack of tamed wolves (the more the better)
  • Actress meat to heal the wolves, preferably a stack of cooked meat of any blazon.

Procedure: Use regular stategies to go about raiding the mansion. Your wolves will serve every bit your guardians and increase your survivability. Make sure y'all heal them after defeating an illager or some illagers in a room.

Here's Johnny!

Required Items

  • 5+ name tags
  • Invisibility potions

Procedure: Proper name vindicators "Johnny" such that they attack other hostile mobs in the mansion, which will make your raid much more pleasant. Invisibility potions reduce the likelihood of the vindicators noticing yous as you name them, just you can charge up to them from behind and proper noun them, then run.

Mass destruction


  • Some TNT
  • Flint and steel

Process: It's simple equally blowing up parts of the mansion to destroy illagers, or burning everything away to reveal hidden chests. Just stay abroad from fires and explosion, of course! Don't exercise this if y'all want to go on the mansion equally your base.

  • Spider room - There is a spider spawner in the center of the room. Impale all spiders in the room and light up the spawner. Accept all the cobwebs with shears because they are strictly limited in a minecraft world.
  • Obsidian room - There is a diamond block in the center of a obsidian pile. Mine the obsidian with a diamond or amend pickaxe and accept the diamond block.
  • Jails - There are many vindicators in the jails. Kill all of them and suspension the atomic number 26 doors. Take the cauldron and chocolate-brown carpets because cauldrons are expensive to brand.
  • Bedrooms - There are many vindicators, except in the chief chamber. Kill all of them and take the wool and carpet from the beds. The loft on one of the master bedrooms has a breast next to the bed.
  • Fake Stop Portal room - In that location is a trapped chest adjacent to two tnt. Destroy the tnt and take the trapped chest and the ender pearls. Destroy the wool end portal because you lot cannot utilise information technology every bit a real ane. The stone blocks are infested, so be careful. If you want to remove them, break 1 and kill all silverfish, or use silk touch to mine them.
  • Illager statue room - In that location is a big illager wool statue holding a torch in one of its hand with a lapis lazuli cake inside its head. Lite the room upwardly with light source blocks and seal the entrance, 1 block to a higher place the footing with a horizontal row of blocks. Destroy the statue and collect the wool and the lapis block.
  • Dining rooms - The small and medium don't have illagers. Have all the piece of furniture. The large dining room has an evoker and 2 vindicators. Impale the evoker past sniping it to avoid vexes. Kill the vindicators using a sword or by shooting them.
  • Conference room - This is the most dangerous room, containing five vindicators and an evoker. Kill the evoker equally fast as possible before killing the vindicators. You lot can pillar jump a few blocks (2 or 3 blocks) after defeating the evoker to avoid being striking by the vindicators. Have the piece of furniture when yous are done.
  • Map room - This room has two vindicators and an evoker. Fight them using the methods described in the conference room. Take the illagers' carpet map, tabular array and bookshelves.
  • Loonshit room - This room has no illagers, but it is dangerous considering you lot tin can be surprised by monsters from the elevation loft. First by lighting the room with any calorie-free source blocks. Destroy the center arena and impale the mobs in there. And then, pillar up a few blocks to snipe at the monsters in the loft. Be careful of skeletons and have your shield ready. If y'all see a creeper, immediately retreat. Kill it using your bow. Build a span to the loft or climb the ladder. There is a boodle chest.
  • Lava room - This room has lava surrounding a diamond block and the lava is in a drinking glass cage surround partially by obsidian. Boodle this room last because in that location is high risk of fire. First by mining the peak obsidian. Break i slice of glass on the tiptop of the cage and quickly cascade h2o to cover the lava. Extinguish whatever fires you set. Suspension all the glass and convert the first layer of lava to obsidian. Lower the water source and mine the obsidian. The adjacent layer would accept turned to obsidian. Repeat for the other layers. Take the diamond cake when you lot are done removing the lava and extinguish all fires.

Many mansion rooms comprise chests with "dungeon boodle" in them, along with a extra disc.

  • "Checkerboard room" - the boodle chest is located above the entrance.
  • "10 room" - there'southward a loot chest at the corner.
  • "Gray banner room" - the loot breast is found behind the cobblestone structure.
  • "Wood arch hallway" - the loot chest is located the end of the room.
  • "Winding stairway room" - the loot chest is located at the end of the winding passageway.
  • "Bedroom with loft" - the loot chest is plant at the loft, which can reached by climbing a ladder.
  • "Lone chest room" - the loot chest sits in plain sight at the center.
  • "Attic room" - there are two boodle chests positioned at each end of the upper cranium of this room.
  • "Arena room" - the boodle breast resides on the loft.
  • "Fake End portal room" - the trapped chest, which contains 2 Ender pearls, sits on the woolen "End portal", and is flanked by two TNT on each side.
  • "Allium room" - the chest at the entrance is full of alliums.
  • "Sapling farm" - the chest at the entrance holds 28 dark oak saplings.
  • "Tree-chopping room" - the loot chest at the foot of the tree contains an atomic number 26 axe enchanted with Efficiency I.
  • "Storage rooms", "mushroom farm" - the chests next to the table and chair are empty.

Aside from loot chests, there are several valuable blocks that the player can scavenge from the mansion's rooms: the clandestine "obsidian room" and "lava room" both contain a diamond block in the eye of the structures, and the "illager statue room" contains a hidden lapis lazuli block in the illager'southward caput, to name a few.

For further information, delight see the page woodland mansion/loot.

Afterwards the mansion is looted, there are a number of things you can exercise with it. You lot tin plough it into a home, burn it down, systematically dismantle it to get extra resource, or just go out it equally information technology is.

Turn information technology into a home (or your new base)

The woodland mansion is a nice looking construction. Plough the mansion into your base. Calorie-free it upward and clear out all hostile mobs. Fix all creeper holes and fire harm. Yous can apply the original rooms, or tear down the inner walls and build them how you want. You can accept all the article of furniture to add your own. Brand sure to change the wool beds in the bedrooms into existent beds so you lot tin can slumber in them. Placing ii beds next to each other makes a wide and skillful-looking bed. Add a kitchen, bathroom, amend bedrooms, anything y'all desire. You can even redesign the whole mansion, but information technology will have a long time to exercise so. Be careful if you desire to redesign the sides of the roof to make information technology look nicer, equally yous tin can fall from upward to twenty blocks and possibly die. Putting farms on top of the mansion's roof can exist effective for food since sunlight helps crops grow faster. Don't worry most Illagers as long every bit you've explored all the rooms and killed all of them since they never respawn, different pillagers.

A Woodland Mansion turned into a base with farms on the rooftop. A few villagers and an iron golem is visible from hither.

Expanding it

Since the mansion is in a dark forest, you lot tin can make a behemothic basement and carve windows into a cobblestone foundation that is taller than i mansion level (roughly effectually ten blocks, but yous can make information technology as alpine every bit you desire). The first floor doesn't have windows since the trees effectually obstruct it, but you lot tin carve windows into it. The dark oak wood from the trees around it blends nicely with the rest of the mansion. You lot can also chop down trees around and use the logs to aggrandize the mansion to that surface area too.

Turning information technology into a village

Making houses with the dark oak wood from the nearby trees effectually the mansion tin turn the area into a prissy looking village. Exist sure to make a villager breeder consisting of at least 2 villagers (you lot can bring villagers from another village or cure whatever zombie villagers you notice) to populate the mansion. Make job sites for the villagers and put beds in the upper rooms of the mansion. Later on you get lots of villagers and claimed beds, fe golems can spawn and protect you and the villagers from hostile mobs such as zombies and skeletons.

Brand a villager breeder or any type of mob subcontract inside

You tin can build some blazon of farm(s) inside. You can brand a spider subcontract with the spider spawner, bring in villagers for villager trading halls, or brand the building a giant ingather farm, which works best on the roof, as crops uproot if non connected with sunlight. An animate being subcontract works too, simply y'all need some nutrient to brood them.

Burning information technology down

Simple as that, gear up an entire mansion room on fire using flint and steel or fire charges and run out of the mansion. Stay at to the lowest degree ten blocks from any nearby fires since the burn can burn through the trees.

Use the woodland mansion for a community edifice. Redo the inner walls and move information technology to the location yous want using mods. Some ideas are making a hotel, boondocks hall, or factory.


How to Make a Minecraft Mansion Tutorial TUTORIAL

Posted by: robichaudetescashout.blogspot.com

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